
Cérience gathers its referring farmers and grape growers

Last December, Cérience has gathered during 2 days its referring farmers and grape growers, the “referring farmers/grape growers”. Selected for their passion and professionalism, these farmers will maintain a privileged relationship with Cérience by sharing their problems, their feedback concerning the use of our products and also by being a source of suggestions for the engineers of our research and development division. 

On the program for the first day: mutual presentations and exchanges between the farmers and the Cérience technicians. This day was a great opportunity to create a private Facebook group which will allow the “referring farmers/grape growers” and also the Cérience contacts to gather online and share about various topics concerning Cérience products:  cover crops, fodders, biocontrol, etc.
The second day focused on technical workshops and then on a visit of our R&D station of Saint-Sauvent.

Cérience currently has around forty referring farmers and grape growers. Our goal is to get almost 70 of them by 2024, and mainly, we really want for this community to come together and become a showcase of our know-how! 

The above picture shows the referring farmers and grape growers with the Cérience technicians in front of the R&D station of Saint-Sauvent.

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