Quality and satisfaction
Expertise, customers demand fulfillment, certification, etc. We do everything to make sure the quality of our work and the customer satisfaction is there.
Our customised follow-up
We provide customised commercial and technical support for all our services related to seed production.
Our engineers and technical supervisors are there to assist you from production planning (open field or in green houses) until the shipment of the finished product.
Depending on your needs, the creation of a service contract will set-up:
- Your technical requirements
- The targeted quality standards and their guarantees
- The security of your genetic
- Our monitoring and reporting commitments
A regular monitoring of the production fields
Once the sowing is done, your Cérience technician will take care of monitoring the fields.
In close cooperation with the farmers, your technical supervisors will take care of the compliance with your specifications.
Each visit, observation and intervention on the plot is registered in our "Consélio Culture" decision tool.
Thanks to this, everything is registered: crop status, presence of diseases or insects, weed pressure, varietal purity, etc.
This numeric traceability of the crops supports informations exchanges between farmers and Cérience technicians. Furthermore, those datas can be shared regularly with you so that you have an accurate view of your production and yields.
2 accredited laboratories according to ISTA standards
Cérience has 2 specialized laboratories accredited by the SOC (french official certification board) according to ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) standards.
Our labs are accredited for the official certification analysis of 20 different species and they are also competent to perform quality controls on approximately 80 different species. Each year, we perform analysis on more than 20,000 samples (germination, specific purity tests analysis, etc.) according to ISTA standards or according to the quality standards of our customers.
For seeds that are exported abroad, we work with specific accredited laboratories to get the ISTA certificate.
Our laboratories are also equiped to measure dust according to the Heubach method (ESTA Method), thus allowing to perform some analysis recognised by PQP (dust quality scheme known in France as "Plan Qualité Poussières").
Certified quality and safety!
For many years, Cérience has been committed to a permanent improvement of the quality. This approach is validated annually by accredited certification bodies.
This procedure aims to ensure the quality of our products and services through a permanent research of operational excellence in accordance with the regulations in force.
Thanks to this improvement dynamic we remain competitive and we match with the requirements and the evolutions of the market as well as customers’ expectations.
We also want to provide a complete safety to the users of our products and to our employees. Therefore, we are committed to the analysis and management of our risks for the entire business processes.
Discover below our main certifications:
Organic farming
The French AB label is valid for 100% organic products.
The European logo "Eurofeuille" (organic farming) certifes the compliance with the EU Regulation on organic farming. We got this certification from Ecocert (FR-BIO-01), a state-approved certifying entity which allows us to market our organic seeds in the European Union.
The Authorised Economic Operator (Opérateur Economique Agréé in French), is issued by the customs authorities: Cérience is licensed for both accreditation: “customs simplifications” and “safety security”.
This OEA status allows to secure and ease the international trade while fighting against fraud. It is recognized in the Member States of the European Union and is internationally recognized in the United States, China, United Kingdom, Japan, Switzerland, Norway, etc.
The French Standard Dust Quality Plan (PQP - Plan Qualité Poussières) was created in 2011. Its goal is to control dust emission during the sowing of seeds treated with plant health products.
This approach was adopted at the European level in 2013 with the creation of the European Seed Treatment Scheme (ESTA) standard by Euroseeds, the European seed association. These two standards are equivalent.
Phytosanitary certification
The individual certificate for plant protection products (Certiphyto or CI-phyto) is issued and supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture. All Cérience advisors and technicians have got this certificate and they renew it every 5 years.
The aim of this certificate is to get well-trained professionals able to use plant health products such as herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc.
In addition to its employees’ certification, Cérience owns a company agreement allowing us to spray plant health products as a service offering.
Go to next pages:
Seed production - A network of production farmers
Our industrial services - Quality and satisfaction