Decision support tools


Decision support tools

The first decision support tool devoted to alfalfa crops!

Fonctionnal benefits

  • DST dedicated to alfalfa crops
  • Mobile app available on Android and iOS
  • Free digital tool!

Objectives of the myLuzerne DST

Cérience is currently developing myLuzerne, the first decisions support tool devoted to alfalfa crops.

The objective is to provide a tool for farmers and their advisers to:

  • Monitor the production (technical process, cuts, yields, exports, etc.).
  • Benefit from advice through the various features.
  • Have data related to the culture, source of analysis and identification of improvement leverage.

A diagnosis to evaluate the agronomic aptitude of the plots

MyLuzerne offers a soil agronomic diagnostic function:

  • Before sowing, it evaluate the ability of the soil to get an alfalfa crop.
  • When the crop has already been established, it allows you to identify the limiting factors of the soil.

This agronomic diagnosis is based on about twenty questions (check boxes and multiple choice questions) grouped in 3 categories: soil type, soil fertility and history of the field. Each answer leads to an assessment (colored dots) and a comment or advice.

The whole diagnosis gives you a general view of the field: is it suitable for alfalfa cultivation, is it suitable with some restrictions, is it potentially suitable after important corrections, or is it unsuitable. The summary includes comments on the soil and can be shared in PDF format.

Keep track of your fields and their production targets 

The application allows the user to geolocate and fill in his alfalfa fields.
During this step, the user should indicate his production goals: number of cuts per year, expected forage yields in t/DM/ha and type of use.
In a process of optimizing his production, this step allows the user to set milestones that, during the campaign, will allow him to quantify and qualify his yields.

Assess your alfalfa forage production 

MyLuzerne app provides the user the possibility to estimate the yearly production of his alfalfa fields.
Therefore, you will be asked to do an evaluation of your field before each cut. This yield and forage quality estimate functionality is based on an algorithm developed jointly by Cérience and the Terrena cooperative.
For each estimate, the user must enter various data related to the crop: cutting number, alfalfa growth stage, average height and density of the crop. This last information is obtained automatically thanks to pictures of the canopy wich are analized by the system.

The report, which can be shared in PDF format, includes :

  • A yield estimate of each cut in t/DM/ha ;
  • An estimate of the nutritional value wich depend on the harvesting stage (digestibility & protein content);
  • Evaluation of nutrients exports (fertilizing elements).

During the campaign, the calculated estimates are added and compared to the production goals previously defined. The user can therefore visualize the achievement rate of his targets per plot.

Additional information

For further information, do not hesitate to contact us, click here!