Decision support tools
HappyGrass is a tool dedicated to grass management: meadow management, grazing management and plots development
Fonctionnal benefits
- Most comprehensive tool on the market
- Weather at the plot
- Automatic alerts: grass planting, first nitrogen input, thermal stress
- Digital grazing calendar
- Grazing day counter
- Available on Android, iOS and PC
HappyGrass, 3 complementary modules
HappyGrass Meadow is a toolbox dedicated to meadow management, choice of species, identification of weeds, identification of harvest weather windows, alerts, etc.
HappyGrass Grazing is a digital grazing calendar allowing you to enter the outputs of your different batches of animals and also the interventions and data related to your grass stocks.
HappyGrass Plots allows you to simulate and define the development of your grazing plots. Unique: estimate the development cost of your plots.
A tool for breeders and their technicians
If HappyGrass can be used on its own by a breeder or a technician, it can also become a common tool. A farmer and their technician will be able to interact by sharing some data of the tool, remotely or together in the field.
Many features offer to edit a report that can then be sent by email.
Finally, the HappyGrass Meadow module has a collaborative space for users to discuss their practices in public or in a private group.
Find a distributor near you
For more information or to subscribe to a HappyGrass license, contact a HappyGrass distributor.
Download the HappyGrass Meadow App
Download the HappyGrass Grazing App