Cover crops and catch crops


Catch and cover crops

Chlorofiltre® COMBO B offers high biomass production and stimulates biological activity in the soil thanks to the leguminous plants. 

Fonctionnal benefits

  • High biomass production
  • Legume synergy
  • Consumable cover
  • Stimulation of soil life

The benefits in detail

High biomass production
Cérience chose the rough oat OCEANE for its high biomass production capacity, as well as the vetches NICKEL and SPIDO. 

Legume synergy
The legumes in this mix have different behaviours, with NICKEL hairy vetch and SPIDO common vetch developing very strongly during the summer period. The legumes stimulate biological activity in the soil and produce a high level of nitrogen.

Edible cover
It is possible to consume this cover by mowing it, depending on the need for supplements. 


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is given for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions. 
The varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability.