Cover crops and catch crops


Catch and cover crops

Chlorofiltre Jet: cover crop seeds to be broadcasted before harvest

Fonctionnal benefits

  • Seeds mixture designed for being broadcasted ;
  • Parasite control thanks to TERRANOVA anti-nematode radish;
  • Dust-free and organic approved coating.

What are benefits of Chlorofiltre Jet cover crop ?

Seeds mixture designed for being broadcasted from 28 to 36 m
Cérience chose the hairy vetch MASSA for its good ballistic ability and its good summer growth behaviour in summer.
In addition, the TERRANOVA radish benets from the SAS FLY coating which improves its ballistic ability and crop

Parasite control thanks to TERRANOVA anti-nematode radish
TERRANOVA radish is known for its ability to reduce potato and sugar beet nematode populations.
It is a late owering variety with good establishment.

The dust-free and organic approved coating, 
SAS FLY, comes from Cérience R&D. This coating is only applied on the TERRANOVA radish seeds. SAS FLY contains a biostimulant that improves the crop emergence and resistance to summer drought.

Seed technology

The TERRANOVA radish benets from the SAS FLY coating which improves its ballistic ability and crop

Enrobage semences SAS Fly SAS FLY: seeds with biostimulant to stimulate establishement and support stress tolerance.

See our seed technologies


Legal notices: 
This document is provided for information purpose only. Recommendations may vary according to local soil and climate conditions and local agricultural practices. The varieties included in the mix may change depending on the availabilities.

SAS FLY: seeds with biostimulant to stimulate establishement and support stress tolerance
No classification - OSYR - MA n°108002 - Ownership FRAYSSINET La Mothe 81240 ROUAIROUX FRANCE.