Cover crops and catch crops


Catch and cover crops

Chlorofiltre® Megamix is a complex mixture of species with complementary cycles.

Fonctionnal benefits

  • High biomass production
  • Maximum root exploitation
  • Rapid canopy establishment

The benefits in detail

High biomass production
This cover has 10 components for maximum biomass production. At the same time, we have selected varieties with high production during the summer period. 

Maximum root exploitation
With these 10 species, the root systems complement each other to structure the soil both deeply and superficially. This is good preparation for planting the following crop. 

Rapid canopy establishment
Chlorofiltre MEGAMIX NEW varieties establish quickly during the summer and cover the soil. 


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climatic conditions. 
The varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability.