Cover crops and catch crops


Catch and cover crops

Chlorofiltre® Mixstar should be sown in plots with a nitrogen surplus as it has a high trapping capacity. 

Fonctionnal benefits

  • Strong structuring power
  • High trapping capacity
  • Easy to destroy
  • High biomass production

Benefits in detail

Strong structuring power

  • The complementary nature of our root systems has a positive effect on soil structuring: the taproot of DAIKON Asian radish, the powerful root system of ALTESSE

High trapping capacity

  • The species and varieties selected for Chlorofiltre MIX STAR trap nutrients in the soil to prevent leaching. After destruction, they release the nutrients when the next crop needs them. 

Easy to destroy

  • When the cover crop reaches the end of its establishment period, it is easily destroyed mechanically or chemically, depending on local regulations. 

High biomass production

  • ALTESSE rough oats and TITANE Bengal vetch are the result of Cérience research and have demonstrated high biomass production during the summer period. The Alexandria clover TABOR is also recognised for its high biomass production, being a mono-cut variety. 


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is given for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions. 
The varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability.