Cover crops and catch crops

Chlorofiltre SIMPLY 3

Catch and cover crops

Chlorofiltre Simply 3 enables rapid, dense biomass production. 
It's a blend of 4 species with complementary root systems, ensuring excellent soil structure.

Fonctionnal benefits

  • Quick to install
  • Easy to destroy
  • Soil structure thanks to diversity of species
  • Low seeding rate

Why sow Chlorofiltre Simply 3 intercropping cover?

Rapid installation
Cérience has selected species with rapid establishment rates, particularly for short intercropping periods. 

Easy to destroy
It is easy to destroy this cover crop. The more developed it is, the more sensitive it will be to various destruction methods such as rolling. 
Soil structure thanks to diversity of species
The species in the Chlorofiltre SIMPLY 2 have complementary systems, for deep and superficial soil structuring. 

Low seeding rate
Cérience has selected species with small and similar GMPs to reduce the seeding rate and make planting easier. 


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions. 
The varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability.