Cover crops and catch crops


Companion crops

A combined rapeseed perfectly suited to acid soils.

Fonctionnal benefits

  • Easy planting and rapid growth
  • Maximum rapeseed protection
  • Very good soil structure


Easy establishment and rapid growth
The varieties and species in this mix have been selected for their ability to establish in summer conditions.
This easy establishment results in high biomass production during the autumn and boosts oilseed rape growth.

Maximum protection for oilseed rape
TITANE, TABOR and ARABELLA are legumes with very complementary development cycles and morphologies (upright/spreading habit).
This synergy helps to limit soil contamination and disturb insects.

Very good soil structure
ARABELLA combined with the taproot and fasciculated root system of TABOR and TITANE structures the soil very effectively. This combination improves soil aeration and limits root anoxia, which is highly detrimental to oilseed rape.

More nitrogen available for oilseed rape in spring
The biomass produced in autumn by this combination decomposes very quickly at the end of winter.  This natural mineralisation releases nitrogen that is highly beneficial to crop production.

Composition for acid soils
Blue lupins thrive in acid soils.
Do not sow in soils with active limestone.


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions. 
The varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability.