Forage species


Red clover

DIPLO delivers remarkably high yields throughout the season, both pure and in combination. 

Fonctionnal benefits

  • A very long-lasting clover;
  • Highly resistant to lodging;
  • The yield champion.

The benefits in detail

A very long-lasting clover:

  • DIPLO can be advantageously combined with persistent hybrid ryegrasses for production over 2 to 3 years.
  • DIPLO obtained a perenniality rating of 6.5 when it was registered.

Resistant to lodging :

  • Highly resistant to lodging (score: 7.6), DIPLO is well suited to mowing, even when done late (hay).
  • It limits losses in terms of quantity and value.
  • It is also easier to harvest.

Yield champion:

  • DIPLO stands out for its very high yield.
  • It is one of the best ever obtained for red clover (103% vs. controls at the time of registration).


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climatic conditions.