Forage species


White clover

ABERLASTING is the first variety resulting from a cross between a white clover and a Caucasian clover to combine the advantages of both species.

Fonctionnal benefits

  • Excellent durability and ability to regrow even under intensive grazing;
  • High resistance to water stress;
  • High resistance to cold.

The benefits in detail

ABERLASTING is characterised by its excellent durability and ability to regrow even under intensive grazing conditions:

  • ABERLASTING combines a stoloniferous root system, characteristic of white clovers, and a rhizomatous root system, characteristic of Caucasian clovers.
  • The rhizomes provide deeper roots and therefore greater resistance to trampling.

ABERLASTING is also more resistant to water stress than other white clovers:

  • Its deeper, more developed root system means it stays green for longer, improving its durability.

ABERLASTING is also more resistant to cold:

  • Crossing with Caucasian clover improves its resistance to cold compared with varieties derived from pure white clover lines.
  • ABERLASTING can withstand temperatures as low as -20°C, whereas such temperatures destroy 70% of white clovers.

No more white clover!

MIXCLOVER, a mixture of 3 white clovers

MIXCLOVER combines 3 varieties of white clover selected for their complementarity and to optimise the yield of your meadow.
To find out more, click here!


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climatic conditions.