Forage - Ready to use seed mixtures


Forage mixture of persistent species

High-quality production!
M-FAUCHE is a multi-species forage mix designed to be grown on healthy soil in grassland where the main activity is mowing or mowing followed by grazing.

Fonctionnal benefits

  • A highly productive mix over all cycles;
  • A forage of very high nutritional quality (UF, protein, fibre)
  • A very good balance of species over time

The benefits in detail

Advantages of the blend :

  • Mixture tested and validated by the Arvalis experimental farm at Les Bordes (36) for grasslands with predominantly mown or mown then grazed with regrowth on healthy soil.
  • Highly productive multi-species mix over all cycles;
  • Very high nutritional quality forage (UF, protein, fibre);
  • Leafy, high-quality regrowth;
  • Very good preservation of species balance over time.

M-FAUCHE is made up of elite varieties:
A blend of varieties with very high performance agronomic (yield, disease resistance, repeat flowering, etc.) and nutritional (sugar content, digestibility, protein) characteristics:

  • GALAXIE : alfalfa with excellent protein/ha yield;
  • OCCITANE : alfalfa with an early and rapid start-up after each operation;
  • CATERA : alfalfa with good mixing properties;
  • LESTRIS : red clover with excellent persistence in mixtures;
  • DIPLO : very productive red clover;
  • ROMIE : fescue with great versatility, selected for its feeding quality;
  • MAGNIFICAT : diploid English ryegrass for faster drying of forage;
  • TARDI : late-heading orchardgrass that is very well consumed by animals;
  • LUCULLUS : very productive and disease-resistant orchardgrass.

Solutions Applied to Seed

The red clover seeds in this mix are coated with S.A.S STIM technology:

sas-stim SAS STIM : a biostimulant to stimulate establishment and boost resistance to stress.

The alfalfa seeds in this mix are coated with S.A.S GOLD technology:

pré-inoculation de la luzerne SAS GOLD : pre-inoculation + micro-nutrients: for a ready-to-use product that maximises the potential of the alfalfa.


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is given for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions. 
The varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability.

S.A.S GOLD: pre-inoculated seeds, contains Sinorhizobium meliloti strain - 2.5/3.10 E8 CFU/g
NITRAGIN GOLD - AMM n°1150014 - No classification - Property NOVOZYMES A/S Krogshoejvej 36 2880 BAGSVAERD DENMARK.
RHIZOSEED - AMM n° 1190518 - No Classification - Property CYBELE AGROCARE SAS 7 rue Aristide Briand 92 300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET FRANCE.
OSYR - AMM n°108002 - No classification - Property FRAYSSINET La Mothe 81 240 ROUAIROUX.
Our S.A.S STIM coated seeds contain 70% bare seed and 30% coating.