Organic farming


UAB - Organic cover crops

Chlorofiltre® Tonic provides rapid soil coverage and good structure thanks to the complementary nature of the species. 

Fonctionnal benefits

  • High biomass production
  • Rapid soil cover
  • Very good soil-structuring effect
  • Easy to destroy 

The benefits in detail

High biomass production and rapid soil cover
ALTESSE rough oats have been selected for their rapid cover and ability to establish quickly. TABOR Alexandria clover produces a high biomass when sown in summer. This combination provides optimum cover and a high biomass. This cover helps to limit weeds.

Very good structuring effect
The root systems of these varieties complement each other, providing effective soil structure.

Easy to destroy 
If the cover is well developed, it is easier to destroy it 
by mechanical means such as rolling on frozen cover. 


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions. 
The varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability.