Organic farming

Perly BIO / UAB

UAB - Organic forage crops

The pearl of limestone soils!

Fonctionnal benefits

  • High yield potential and good resistance to lodging
  • High-quality forage rich in condensed tannins
  • Improved herd health and environmental performance

The benefits in detail

Good yield potential and resistance to lodging:

  • PERLY has very good production potential from the first year of operation.
  • In addition, PERLY has very good resistance to lodging, which makes it easier to mow throughout its cycle.
  • PERLY is a double variety (remontant) offering several cuts per year for forage production even in summer.

A highly nutritious forage rich in condensed tannins: 

  • Farming between the early budding and early flowering stages maximises the condensed tannin content (4-10%) and the nutritional value of the fodder (UFL: 0.84 to 1 UFL/kg D.M. and PDIN between 90 and 114 g/kg D.M. according to our trials).
  • The forage is non-meteorising and its high tannin content improves protein assimilation by limiting its breakdown in the rumen (by-pass effect).

Improved herd health and environmental performance:

  • In small ruminants, incorporating tannins into the ration helps to control digestive strongyles.
  • The high tannin content of sainfoin could help reduce methane emissions.
  • Sainfoin is also a melliferous plant much appreciated by bees.


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions.