S.A.S : Seeds applied solutions


S.A.S : Seeds applied solutions

Fonctionnal benefits

  • Combined solution 
  • Organic approved
  • Water exchange regulator
  • Supports crop emergence
  • Improves yield
  • Dust-free technology

Benefits in detail

Improves crop establishment: 
NURSEED biostimulant, stimulate the growth of the seeds, ensuring a prompt emergence of the grass.

Regulates water exchange:
This biostimulant has 2 combined effects, an antioxidant effect and an osmoprotective effect. This provides the plant a faster response to drought and reduces the water loss of the plant. 
Finally, the increase in antioxidants protects the photosynthetic metabolism of the plant.

Yield improvment:
S.A.S START gives a better stress reponse as well as a better nutrient supply. Improved yields and faster restart after a cut can also be observed.

Dust-free technology:
Our coating technology, significantly reduces dust inside the bag as weel as during sowing. Thus, the biostimulant stays well around the seeds.

Cérience vous conseille

S.A.S START is a seed technology that stimulates the emergence of forage grasses. NURSEED biostimulant (registered biostimulant) regulates water exchanges in the plant, leading to better water management and better resistance to stress. 
S.A.S START is available on some tall fescue and cocksfoot seeds in mixtures from the Cérience range. We advise you to contact your distributor to know which varieties have this technology. 

Composition & Packing


  • Water exchange regulator agent


  • Bags


Legal notice:

This document is provided for information purpose only. Recommendations may vary according to local soil and climate conditions and local agricultural practices.
S.A.S START : seeds with biostimulant to improve emergence, yield and regrowth
NURSEED HC - AMM n°1211087 - Without classification - Property FYTEKO 4 allée de la recherche 1070 BRUXELLES.
Our S.A.S START solution is applied on the seed, without modification of its TWG.