04.16.2021 CÉRIENCE’S LAUNCH IN VIDEO Discover or rediscover the live YouTube video that has launched tne new brand Cérience. +
04.15.2021 CÉRIENCE’S UNIVERSE Our new brochure is available! Cérience, L'Agronome semencier, reveals its values and ambitions! +
03.29.2021 CÉRIENCE, 3 AREAS OF EXPERTISE Cerience activity brings together 3 complementary areas of expertise serving a substainable and efficient agriculture +
03.29.2021 A COMMITED SIGNATURE ! By getting revealed, the new Cérience compay is also revealing a new signature of committed brand +
03.29.2021 A NEW NAME IS EMERGING ! The merger of Terrena Semences and Jouffray-Drillaud has given birth to cérience, let's briefly focus on its meaning +