Forage - Ready to use seed mixtures


Short-term mixture

M-Talent is a legume mixture for use as a winter catch crop.
This short-lasting mixture can be combined with a grass to produce quality forage.

Fonctionnal benefits

  • Great harvesting flexibility;
  • Better-quality forage;
  • Great flexibility in combination (Italian ryegrass, rye, etc.).

Why choose M-Talent short duration mix?

M-TALENT offers greater harvesting flexibility:
Forage can be harvested in autumn and/or cut early in spring.

High-quality forage:
Two hairy vetches have been selected for this blend. Their complementarity guarantees the mixture's high protein content:

The possibility of combining M-Talent with a forage grass:

  • It can be combined with a wide variety of species: Italian ryegrass (RGI), rye, etc.
  • The seeding rate should be adapted to the associated species and to the forage quality objective.

 Picto danger conseil Attention ! : Please note Cattle must not consume hairy vetch as seed.


Seed technology

The ALDO red clover in this mix is coated with SAS STIM  seed technology:

sas-stim SAS STIM is a biostimulant to secure the establishment of forage legumes and boost resistance to stress.

See all our on-seed technologies


Legal information

Non contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions.
Varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability.

SAS STIM: our SAS STIM coated seeds contain 70% bare seed and 30% coating.
OSYR - AMM n°108002 - Unclassified - Propriété FRAYSSINET La Mothe 81240 ROUAIROUX.

Do not consume hairy vetch as seed.