Forage - Ready to use seed mixtures


Short-term mixture

Quality forage in the height of summer! 

Fonctionnal benefits

  • High summer production;
  • Excellent feed value;
  • Versatile use.

Benefits in detail

M-TROPIC is a ready-to-use composition of an annual summer grass and a legume for summer forage production, whether as a main crop or as a catch crop.

High summer production:

  • M-TROPIC is made up of forage species that establish quickly and provide very high total forage production (10 to 15 t M.S/ha) on several farms.
  • Once established, M-TROPIC is more resistant to dryness and heat than forage sorghum, keeping its foliage green and fresh.
  • However, M-TROPIC is sensitive to cold and is reserved for warmer areas (southern Loire and Alsace). It is destroyed at the first frost.

Excellent feed value:

  • Harvested at the leafy stage (before the 60 cm stage), M-TROPIC provides high quality forage, particularly in terms of protein (note that pearl millet is 2 times richer in lysine and methionine than forage sorghum).

Versatile use:

  • M-TROPIC is suitable for both mowing and grazing.
  • For mowing: it offers great operating flexibility (wrapping, silage, green feed, hay);
  • Grazing: M-TROPIC is very popular with all grazing animals. It is recommended to graze M-TROPIC at the leafy stage (between 30 and 60 cm) to benefit from all its feed quality and encourage tillering, then to eat the regrowth every 3 weeks.
  • Early grazing is possible, as forage millet does not contain hydrocyanic acid and Alexandria clover does not weather.

Solutions applied to seed

sas-stim S.A.S STIM : seeds with biostimulant to stimulate establishment and boost resistance to stress.

Biogas / Biomethane production

The M-TROPIC multi-species mix can also be used for methanization, thanks to its high biomass production.

Discover other forage mixes suitable for methanization: M-Valo, M-Estival, M-Dynamic, M-Sprint, M-Méteil

Find out more about our plant cover crops dedicated to methanization.


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climatic conditions. 
Varieties included in the mix may vary according to availability. 
OSYR - AMM n°108002 - Unclassified - Propriété FRAYSSINET La Mothe 81 240 ROUAIROUX.
Our S.A.S STIM coated seeds contain 70% bare seed and 30% coating.