Forage species


Sorgho fourrager

Fodder production from early summer.

Fonctionnal benefits

  • Fodder production from the start of summer, even in dry conditions;
  • Flexible use of the fodder produced.

The benefits in detail

PIPER enables forage to be produced from the start of summer, even in dry conditions:

  • The Sudan-grass type produces biomass early.
  • What's more, the PIPER variety has good tolerance of low temperatures and a low hydrocyanic acid content compared with other types of sorghum, enabling it to be used at a young stage (50-60 cm), even for grazing.

PIPER also offers flexibility in the use of the fodder produced:

  • Its high tillering capacity, fine stems and numerous leaves guarantee good regrowth and constant production between cuts.
  • It can be used for both mowing (green feeding, wrapping, silage) and grazing.


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is given for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climate conditions.