Forage species



Protein even in chalky soil!

Fonctionnal benefits

  • High-quality fodder thanks to PERDIX's high leaf content and resistance to leaf diseases.
  • Improved herd performance in terms of feed, health and the environment thanks to the addition of tannins

The benefits in detail

Very good production potential, even under organic conditions:

  • PERDIX is the result of selection aimed at improving the vigour of establishment and the yield of sainfoin.
  • It is a double variety (remontant) offering several cuts per year for forage production even in summer.
  • Lastly, PERDIX has been partially selected under organic conditions, which ensures its performance in organic farming.

High-quality forage:

  • Sainfoin is a non-weathering species that is highly palatable to animals.
  • PERDIX stands out in particular for its richness in leaves and its resistance to leaf diseases1.
  • Farming between the early budding and early flowering stages maximises the nutritional value of the fodder and the condensed tannin content (4-10%), which improves protein assimilation (by-pass effect).

Improved herd health and environmental performance:

  • In small ruminants, incorporating tannins into the ration helps to control digestive strongyles.
  • The high tannin content of sainfoin could help reduce methane emissions.
  • Sainfoin is also a very popular melliferous plant with bees.

1 Swiss registration score of 2.3 vs. an average for varieties of 3.3. Please note that in the Swiss grading system, the lower the grade, the better the variety. 1 = very good; 9 = very poor.


Non-contractual document. The information contained in this document is for guidance only and may vary according to soil and climatic conditions.